And award to the two film billing that the majority of people will know nothing/care little about goes to these two little flicks. Will either of these films catch festival goers enough to cancel any Saturday evening dinner plans?
Urban Explorer - Main Screen 5.00pm
Neil Marshall did it. Cristopher Smith did it. Nick Hamm did it. Can Andy Fetscher do it? What are they doing? Doing for the subteranean world what Jaws did for sharks. Spelunking under metropolitan Berlin may not sound like a Saturday night out for most, but for some select few, it is. And of course being a voluntary minority in a horror film means one thing: that niche activity/environment you love so much happens to have a psycho killer that loves it more. Who will survive and what will be left of them yada yada yada. Will the first true stalk-and-slash of the festival be a sleeper hit or a sleepy miss?
Rabies - Discovery Screen 5.15pm
A "Hebrew horror comedy"? "Turning horror conventions on its head"? A slot at Tribecca? A one hundred percent positive review aggregate? These are promises that hint at something much more than your run of the mill body-count, turn-your-brain-off, hack 'n' slash. 'Kalevet' is Israels first horror movie and feature debut from Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado (yep, that was a copy and paste job), but gimmicks aside (lest they be used as excuses), will it be a good movie?
Murder in the woods or murder in a tunnel?
Either way it looks like you'll be playing a Cluedo for 90 minutes.
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