Total Film Interview & American Horror Discussion - Main Screen 15.05
Call it budget reasons, lack of true inspiration (have you seen Craven or Carpenter's latest offerings), or based off of last years flacid affair, but this year Fright Fest has shrugged it's 'horror icon' section and interview in favor of an interview with little known but fairly proficient director/producer, Larry Fessenden. While many people may shrug at this name, a quick glance at his credit sheet will impress anyone who's been up on the horror scene for the past 5 years; working behind such undeniable favourites as 'House of the Devil' and 'Stakeland' aswell as lesser known gems 'The Last Winter' and 'I Sell The Dead', and even the festival's Sunday afternoon spooky romp 'The Innkeepers', he seems to know his stuff. Partner this with a panel containing fright fest favourites Adam Green, Joe Lynch, Ti West and Lucky McKee (arguably the greatest american genre directors of this decade), all of which have movies premiering or previewing at this years festival to discuss and divulge about, and this discussion looks set to blow anything of years past well out of the water.
Get your camcorders out kids, this looks like one for the history books.
Midnight Son - Discovery Screen 3.00pm
We all know vampires are (however tiresomely) 'in' at the moment. When you've got the mainstream drooling over 'Twilight Saga' and the genre fans re-writing their top 10's with 'Let The Right One In', its no surprise the 'V' word has touched down at Fright Fest again. And while the sub-genre has seen its atrocities these past 12 months ('Dead Cert', anyone?), Midnight Son seems set to attack the cluttered canvas with a new shade of red. Taking the bleak, indie stylings of Van Sant and crossing it with servings of refereshingly real violence, this mircocosm vampire tale should even give the horror discussion panel a run for its money.
Reasons to watch Midnight Son:
1. Its directed by a visual effects artist, who, among other things, has worked on Burton's 'Sleepy Hollow'. Thus, this movie is going to look the bomb.
2. It's a cheap, indie affair. Showing support for these flicks, especially at festival runs, gets these kind of movies both distribution deals and actually made in the first place. Want more Let The Right One In and less Twilight? Show the powers that be that you like these movies.
3. Its an homage piece to Romero's classic 'Martin'.
4. It has a violent finale that made BloodyDisgusting's Brad Miska (who, for those that dont follow the site like a mantra, watches upwards of 300 horror flicks a year) "exclaiming OMFG".
If it makes Mr Disgusting shit his pants, then bring me some of that shit.
For me this is one of the tougher decisions to make this year. While the obvious will more than likely win over, Midnight Son looks a strong contender and for those that get passes to this film purely because they couldnt get into the mainscreen are sure to be pleasantly rewarded.
So whats your thoughts? The legends of this decades horror all in the same room? Or a quiet unassuming but potentially genius vampire fable?
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